
» Suara muslimin bersatu. Menyampaikan kebenaran dengan berterus terang, tiada hari tanpa tholabulillmi mengkaji mengaji mencari ridhlo illahi rabbi, Di Pancarluaskan di jalan Tanjung Mulang No 26 Setiaratu Cibeureum Kota Tasikmalaya «

Senin, 12 Oktober 2020

qalu innaha wa’ad


قَالو إنَّها وَعَد نَحنُ عُصبَةُ الأسَد
They said it’s a promise; we are the clique of Assad

فأتاهم زَحفُنا زائلون لِلأبَد

Suddenly, our armed forces reached them, exterminating them forever

ثم نادَو حُسِمت إنها قَد رُسمت
Then they proclaimed: it is decided, oh it’s already planned out

فَأتاهم رَدُّنا صُعِقَت بَل سُحِقَت
Thereupon our response reached them. They were stunned, no but they got crushed

إنما نَحنُ جُنود نُحرِقُ العارَ بِنار
We are but soldiers. We burn Disgrace by fire

زَيفُكم زال بِفعل بِرياح الإنتِصار
Your falseness has been revealed by the winds of victory

سَنَهُدُّ عَرشَكُم وسَنُفنى مُلكَكم
We will devastate your throne, annihilate your rule

فارحَلو دَوماً فِإنّا لا نَرى لِلخُبث دار
So leave, for the filthy have no place among us

عُصبةَ الشر ارحلي واسمَعي منّي القَرار
Oh clique of evil, leave and listen to my judgement

هاجِري الدِيار دوماً نحن فُرسان النَهار
Abandon the country forever, for we are the day knights

وارحَلي دون الرُجوع من جَلادة السِتار
Depart without return for the stiffness of the curtain

واشرَبي للذُل كأساً وخُذى كلَّ صَغار
Drink the cup of bitterness, and bear all ignominy

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